Originally Posted by deck
ok heres what i do.
Scroll to contacts tab, click all people. then i hit 'My contact card', it asks me, "Would you like to fill out your contact card now, i click yes. then i click on the icon in the upper right hand corner and it asks me 'would you like to use your facebook profile, i click yes, type in my login information, all of a sudden, i see my information, name, etc, (for some reason it doesnt import the birthday correctly), then i click the upper right hand icon again, and it asks me to use my picture form my profile, i click yes. Now my contact card is filled out, and my facebook login is correct. If you have contacts that are not linked, it should automatically ask you, would you like to link contacts now, with a box showing the contacts. Everything works for me, although i do have to manually scroll down to edit information sometimes, i usually use the dpad. I can see my friends status, events, etc, of all my linked contacts. If this is not working for others after my method, please explain to me exactly what u have installed over the ROM.
I go through the same exact process but when it attempts to sign into facebook thats where I get connection failed.
and actually I just tried it again at this moment, and it worked
Again, awesome ROM too btw.
Could you answer theses?
Couple of questions.
Is there anyway to move the time above the the clock on the home screen?
Can I revert the default start menu icon size?
What is the Notification Enhancement in the fully loaded ROM?
Can I remove the dotted lines on the different tabs?
When in the weather tab or any other tab that list letters on the right side do they always overlap with Rhodium is this an issue?