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Old 06-12-2009, 10:54 AM
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Re: Adrynalyne's 6.1 ROMs v. 1.5

Originally Posted by tgd1595 View Post
Hey, I was wondering how to change the signal bars from being white and plain to the globe that is in the Elite Taskbar. I tried installing the cab posted in the 6.5 thread but didn't work. Also, I have tried changing the sounds at shutdown but I can't get it to take. What I have done in the past is just overwrite the Pwr_on/Pwr_off in the windows directory but it doesn't seem to work for 1.5. There also has never been sounds at startup or shutdown on the 1.5 Rom. Thanks for any help!!
There are no sounds on purpose. I give you the choice to add what you want

The icon replacement requires hacking of dlls. I put a file in place to override some of the taskbar elite's functions, because they dont work nicely with 6.1.
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