Thread: 6.5 start menu
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Old 06-12-2009, 10:15 AM
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Re: 6.5 start menu

Originally Posted by dschoenike View Post
Im feeling very alone right now for actually liking the 6.5 start menu. Well, maybe "like" is a little strong, ii dont "mind" it. I agree, that quickmenu is a grest alternative.
I'm w/ you man! I REALLY like the 6.5 Start Menu. Overall, I am not using that many applications. So I moved the 4 or 6 that I use the most to the top and I'm rocking and rolling. A lot of times I use the TF3d Programs tab anyways.

It is just really nice to be able to slide through the menu.

That being said, I can sympathize w/ OP if he's using a lot of different apps and/or not using TF3d.
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