Re: [ROM] <!-- Psyki 3 - Build 090528 --!> Custom Rhodium Manila [21046 WM6.1]
The second thing that I cant solve. I havent been to worried about ringers and still am not but decided to try and download one tonight. I use myxer to download them from my phone.
The problem im having with that is if i use opera to download the ringtone from myxer at the top of the download page it says " You should not be on this page unless you are on your phone. Retype this link into your phones browser or click one of the following links to learn more or for how to download content to your phone."
So I proceed since obviously I am doing this from my phone and i hit "download ringtone"
and all it wants to do is save it as a .gcd file which is saying its a text file. Even if i proceeded and hit save it doesnt give me an option on the folder list to save to the "rings" folder. How do i fix this its very annoying?
The only way i got it to work is after i get the text message from myxer to download the ringtone is to click on the link then it opens in myxer. I then have to copy the link from the address bar of opera (since it wont let me copy the link in the text message) then i have to go to programs and open internet explorer and paste the link from within there. Then it takes me to the correct page to download the ringtone and I hit save and it saves it as a .mp3 file, but since there isnt a folder to save in the "rings" to select after the download completes i have to find the file where i saved it cut it from its current location then go to the winodws folder and annoyingly wait for the windows folder to load scroll to find the "rings" folder then paste it in there.
That is way to many steps to download a ringtone and get it to work. Im aware of mp3 trimmer but myxer is what i use since i dont have to load a whole file to my phone and trim it myself myxer already has them prepped and ready to go.
Other then that the rom is great!!!
If I helped you in anyway make sure to be kind and say thanks by hitting the thanks button at the bottom right!!!