Originally Posted by basilray
Have you tried CSDevCtrl? It will apply the WInMo 6.5 lock when you turn the screen off or when you are on a call...just like S2u2. It then uses just the slide to unlock the screen. It works fairly well...but I am beginning to think it is what is causing my periodic freeze issue.
Since no one else seems to be having this issue...it almost has to be the cause!
No, thanks, I will pass. I am to the point that everything I install to a 6.5 ROM needs to work flawlessly. I have learned my lesson since Copper came out and now MR5.
WM6.5 being still a beta ROM, and all the issues still with it. I figure I would save myself the stress.
Right now aside from a mediocre battery life and sub-par radio strenght,06.09.09 is almost perfect.