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Old 06-11-2009, 04:03 PM
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Sprint Touch is sluggish with packetloss while tethering

Got a Touch from ebay after dropping mine in the toilet. It looks immaculate cosmetically but it does not perform as well hardware wise. It seems to be somewhat sluggish very sporadically while scrolling through file lists and performing other intensive tasks.

restoring and backing up with SPB seems to take forever and the screen locks up and slows down considerably.

While tethering I get a tremendous amount of packetloss that is also sporadic.

I tried optimizing using SK Tools and hard resetting.
It just doesn't seem as quick as my old Touch.

The software is up to date at 3.03.651.4. I have no idea what could be causing it and I'm not to fond of trying to get a refund.

Any ideas