Thanks for your support, guys. (: Right now I have a showstopper that I'm investigating: WMP eats memory like mad, and playing music from Titanium depends on it. I'm also reverting to Opera Mobile 9.5.16643; the new beta may be smoother graphically, but I found that it doesn't render as fast and as nicely as the 9.5 OEM builds.
So, an updated list if highlights:
> Windows Mobile 6.5 build 21806 [thanks to da_reeseboy and all those imvolved] (may change)
> XIP and OEMDrivers optimized using nueSpinLockPatcher, optimized GxDMA.dll [thanks to No2chem]
> Updated D3D drivers [thanks to Juicy]
> Opera Mobile 9.5.16643 [thanks to Opera Software ASA]
+ WM7 Titanium Project, including TitaniumWhether and Opera Favorites [thanks to everyone involved]
* Built using Calkulin's 4.8 kitchen
* UPX compression [script from Juicy's kitchen]