playing short vid clips
if this is the right forum for the mogul 6800, i have a question about playing small vid clips sent through text pic services. right out of the box as im sure your aware, you cant send a pic through text messges but theres a proggie on this site that will let you. i have that and it works fine. now, a simular issue that maybe theres a work for. on my other phone, the motorola I870--nextel/sprint which i had before this one, you could receive small video like clips in a text message. im not sure what the files are called, but they are like little videos that last about 10-15 secs that play over in a loop, over and over. it could be anything from a cartoon thing, to people doing activities, etc. however on this phone, the mogul, the email comes through which takes me to a sprint website to view the content, but instead of the clip playing, its just a still pic.
so is there a program that you can get which will let the clips play once you receive it?