internet help
Hey guys, I have recently encountered a very annoying problem and am looking for advice. First off, my information: I am using a Sprint Mogul, and I am on the SERO plan. I did disable the multiNAI registry setting, FYI. About a month ago, I was trying to tether my phone, unsuccessfully. One of the things I did was to actually delete the Phone as Modem connection. However, it just repopulated itself, and to make things even stranger, it became my standard auto-pick data connection. However, everything worked fine, so I left it alone.
Today, I tried to mess around with tethering again, trying to select Sprint PCS as my connection instead, etc, etc. Again, didn't work, but not really that big a deal for me. Now my problems start:
Regardless of what data connection I'm on, sprintpcs or phone as modem, the internet is incredible laggy. What I mean is that it will be stuck on 'locating' when browsing for more than 30 seconds to get to any webpage. it makes internet browsing on my phone unusable. But it still works, as does activesync with my ms exchange email. I tried to client initiate IOTA internet settings, but it fails with 1012 error. However, I still have internet. Just very very slow. Now, once it starts opening the page, its fast again. Speed tests show the same 300-1000 kbits/sec range i got before, and refreshing a page I have recently loaded up is fine. But if I got to a new page, it takes soooooo long. its so annoying. Anybody have any ideas?
I've also done a system settings backup with spb backup, no help.
Its so weird, the internet works, just barely... what is going on?
Thanks guys, in advance.