(Not trying to be an Omnia "hater" - but I'm spoiled from using 3 years of HTC cooking)
lol not the iPhone - Touch Pro had lots of things going for it on these forums.. Much better and easier kitchens to use and test your ROMs before releasing.
I'm just REALLY spoiled from my Touch Pro and then coming to the Omnia
I could always use my TP again, but I want to stick with a full blown Verizon phone over my Alltel TP.
While I'm at it - is there a good place for finding Omnia OEMs or CABs to add to my kitchen before I cook? (cabs and oems like ya'll are currently cooking with)
I have my hands on a few Omnias and I have a few software things I need to test out to port some HTC stuff to Omnia. (I ain't scared to brick one if I have to lol)