Originally Posted by dschoenike
Greetings. Ive been using iris for a while now, and find it to be a very nice browser. I cant believe i never noticed noticed this before, iris is using 80mb of ram. I started with 127mb and after a few pages with iris, i just saw my free program memory is now at 47mb. Is this happening to anyone else? If this is normal for iris, i cant imagine it would be usable on the mogul. 80mb of ram used on 3 web pages? Something doesnt seem right about that.
Hi Dschoenike. I did notice Iris uses alot more memory than Opera Mobile. but it was a difference of 10% or so, not that much. Its a nice browser no doubt, but the memory utilization is a burden and it's still not that fast. I will say at least it didnt crash on me this time which was a problem in the past with Diamond users.