im uploading now will paste link when ready
http://cid-0d316441be87b15a.skydrive...px/PPC/TELECOM its in 3 parts just unrar and it will unrar all 3 files, then activesync then run RUU_Vogue_TNZ_WWE_3.00.781.3_Radio_3.41.00_Ship, be warned you will lose phone/text capabilities, but all you have to do is have a spare phone, thats not connected to network , ring telecom and tell then you have just upgraded with the offical okta upgrade, they may ask where yoy got it from (u say , then tell them u want to do a esn swap, which means put your okta phone number onto the spare phone, make sure you can ring out on the phone then ask to swap your number back to the okta. takes 5 mins