Originally Posted by indagroove
Looking into it. Tethering is as important to me as it is to you.
thank you very much, just so you know the main issue i am having with it is when it connects it only stays connected for a couple seconds then disconnects for a few seconds and then reconnects and so on and so on, back and forth!! its works for a second then stops then starts and then stops lol its funny as hell LMAO just been trying to use it all day to update a computer lol its been one hell of a day haha thank you very much for any thing you can do lol please dont think this is anything more then just a person that is venting lol it was the only way to get the computer finished so i did what i had to do lol thanks again!
the only thing i can think that is the problem is i am a TELUS user. but EVERYTHING else works just fine and i mean everything email, mms, internet, anything data, so i dont think it is the problem but i just thought i would let you know!
Can anyone of you guys try Tethering to see if you are having any problems??? Thank you very much!!