Originally Posted by robotphood
Oh jeez, I don't know why I never thought of skipping the customization part after flashing stock.
I have done this since about my second flash maybe a year ago now and I have got to have done at least 100 flashes this way and i am yet to have any troubles or problems!!!
Originally Posted by tp617
the only problem i have had so far is my tethering connection dropping and when i re-insert the usb cable it won't reconnect to Internet.
to add: when i try to disconnect and reconnect through the software, it doesn't respond..
I've had to reset 4 times so far to re-establish tethering.
i am having this EXACT problem with the last rom im downloading the latest rom now!! i really hope the newest rom fixes this issue because i use this feature almost everyday and i love this rom!!
Indagroove think you can please take a look into this issue? because i use this feature SO much and really need it to work! Thank you very much for everything you do!! This rom ROCKS!!!!
Originally Posted by thedan
Is it possible to add/enable the notification panel (correct name?) on this ROM? For example, if I press the top icon bar, I like the list of items like notifications, messages, etc.
Similarly, is there a way to add/enable the full-screen volume control?
Those were two really nice UI touches on the stock Sprint ROM that I'm missing, even though I *love* just about everything else here!
by installing this cab i you will get the TF3D style volume screen, and then you can change the colour to anyone you want with any modded "HTCVolumeControl.png" file. by simply installing a cab file with the modded file in it, or by just copying the file to your windows dir with total commander , or resco explorer . I have also uploaded a custom blue "HTCVolumeControl.png" file. so just copy to windows dir if you want blue volue screen!!..