Originally Posted by heartisall
when I type on the slide out keyboard it consistently lags and misses letters all of the time its extremely frustrating I don't really have much installed, is anyone else having this problem/?
Yep, I'm having the same problem with mine especially when using it for SMS.
I have slide sound running so I haven't tried turning that off and using it that way.
you might try that.
The other thing I've noticed is that even before slidesound, when I slid out the keyboard, it lagged just switching views. I vaguely recall seeing something about that, but don't care enough at this point to research it more as I figure some future kitchen will resolve it.
Other than that, no real problems Helmi's WM6.
I have tweaked the reg for BT volume and no SMS sent confirmation.
if you find someone else having the same issue and a res, I'd be interested.