Originally Posted by edufur
Ok, not to be rude or anything... but... I don't think you really know what you are talking about. If the reason behind this problem was that something is a "bleeding edge" ROM, then as I said... it would be a problem with EVERY flavor of that ROM version. This is not the case. And if you really wanted to use that logic for problems, then the argument could be made that NO bug should be posted what-so-ever about these ROMs. NO ONE should post ANYTHING at all because "the chefs dont get paid" or "it is bleeding edge" blah blah blah. The fact is, these guys DO receive donations for their work. And the more they respond to people who have issues, the more they reveive donations. So.... I am glad you are good to go with what you have... but I would bet that if I searched your posts, I would likely find that you have reported issues as well.
Originally Posted by dodge_longhorn
hmm well i believe you should report a issue with the ROM, no if ands or buts..but some problems might and might not get fixed but be patient and the chef will get to it and for the Donation shoot i haven't received a single dollar for all mine but you can believe what you think about the donations thing.
lol same here i havent gotten anything but knowledge about ppcs since i started. but yeah donation could go to late night snacks while im working on my kitchen builds lol. so like im sayin. i cant wait to get my computer back so i could start smashin on the competition again
. feel me. i start workng on all the problems previously stated when i am able to. ps if someone has taken their first semester of college biology already, could they send me their notes/old tests cause i hate this class
but i need at least a B