Re: Who Would Jump To The New Iphone?
The Iphone is a wonderful PHONE that is well executed. It is not a smartphone or PDA. It is an Ipod with a phone that can launch other programs. I have an Ipod Touch 32 Gig which I love for what it does which is play music, movies and the occasional simplistic game. I think it is short sided for us ppc geeks to not realize that Iphone is perfect for a large majority of the general population that doesn’t need to edit office documents, download torrents on their phone or the plethora of other things WM offers.
I think at the core we are a different breed than Iphone users. I know a few people that have Iphones that see my ipod which has been hacked to its limits and are amazed at what I have done with it.
I for one am happy for the ipone for one simple reason. It has forced MS to innovate/copy some much needed features that are/were sorely lacking from our beloved OS. I welcome the Pre and Iphone OS and even the crapberry os to light a little fire under the guys in Redmond to continue to improve WinMo.