can people share some of their tf3d icons... i have been searching for some time and have never found any that i liked... i just been using the standard ones that came with the rom for so long... but i just did a face lift ... adding the nice clean woodfloor background posted for all tabs and installed the cab to installl the calendar to the taskbar... i am looking for a clean looking icon set to match all the clean looking designs floating around on this ROM
is there a CAB just to install the calendar...? the one on the first page installs calendar/call hostory and communications tab...
when i go to tf3d config and remove the items i dont want ... call history/communications/people/music... but after i reset device.. one of those tabs that are unchecked are still showing up ... do u have to have a minn amount of tabs selected?
i am using the first one here .. iplatinum .. but it is missing the icon for calendar