Re: charger question
Agreed. The wall charger will / should always charge faster since the usb port is limited to 500mAh, and the wall charger pushes around 900mAh+.
Only exception to the rule is using no2chem's battery driver with "Fast Charge" which will allow high draw on a USB port. I noticed my TP recognized my car charger as a USB so I always use nueFast Charge in the car since it can handle it.
WARNING: Fast charge MIGHT burn out a USB port on some computers, so as a rule of thumb disable it before plugging in to a computer.
Edit: Might want to make sure you're using the USB cable that CAME WITH your Touch Pro when connecting to your wall charger, or try using another USB cable that's similar in build. It's possible there is a partially seperated wire in the USB cable that is eating up some voltage. (Voltage drop)
Last edited by veedubguru; 06-09-2009 at 01:11 PM.