Originally Posted by wILLk0r3 818
I picked up a Sprint Mogul 2 weeks ago and at that time it had a 2.14 ROM with a ROM date of 8-12 I believe. I don't remember the versions for the other items. After I did a hard reset on my phone, my ROM version is now 2.09 and the ROM date is 6-14-07. I had 2.14 for a week before I did a hard reset and now I'm just over a week in with the older ROM. I really don't notice ANY differences from before, well, I think for some reason it's eating more RAM but that's about it. Sprint Music Store is alive and kickin, but I don't use it and probably never will. So, how did my ROM version/date change????
Doing a hard reset will never change the ROM version of the phone. If you saw those numbers than i guess your phone had some modified files on it that made it look like it was running that version. All a hard reset does is clear the user area though so it goes back to it's ROM state. That is probably why you aren't noticing much.