Originally Posted by R35I5T
So I installed this and now my phone will boot up say HTC Touch Pro then there is a blank screen and my buttons are lit up. Any idea wut happened and how to fix? thnx in advance
Originally Posted by dalastone
i have a diamond and the exact same thing happend. i did a hard reset to get the phone to boot up again.
Hey guys, You need to do a couple things before you install a new keyboard. The key thing is you need to close a process that's running on the device called sipgt_app.exe. This is mentioned on the first page as well. The best thing to do is to install Fdcsoft Taskmanager, then open it and under processes, close sipgt_app.exe>exit. Then you can install this keyboard and you should have no issues. This is assuming you are using a rom with one of the standard HTC keyboards which would be evident if the sipgt_app.exe process is running. If not, then you should be able to install this keyboard from scratch but there a no guarantees. You can find fdcsoft taskmanager cab on this forum or google it. any problems, Pm me and I will get it to you.