Originally Posted by fandi1
i don't want to say anything BUT if heating problem don't (somehow)get fixed there maybe a lowsuit
If you messed with it by flashing than i doubt it. Also i am almost positive its the processor getting hot from being used weather its overclocked or not. When it gets hot it means ther is more power being used so your battore drains faster. if if you have stock rom than i do not know. If you have flashed are you using your phone alot more to download sync reflash and other things or just playing with the new features. So it could be an isue with just over use. be carefull what you add to the phone that could be a problem. Some programs may trickle power even when off and could add up. Only add what you need keeping main memmory alone unless you have you. Try expiermenting not using features to pinpoint an issue. Like use just as a phone all day and see what happens. Then add one more feature like data conection. than wifi blutooth and so on. If it gets hot wile of the charger after a soft reset and just using phone only than you have a different proble and it might be indivuadle batches of phones caus lots of people do not have that issue.