Originally Posted by dyskon
Not true.. I am in sprint training right now for the TSS/ATS (Tech support -> Advanced tech support) team, and we got the pre for training just 2 days before its launch. (even then everyone had to sign a non-disclosure agreement) Ive been scouring the internal sprint intranet for any mention of the TP2 and there is 0 mention of it. (There was mention of the pre weeks months before it was released)
If its coming to sprint, the employee's don't know about it.
well i dunno much , but this was the same case last summer i believe when sprint launched the instinct. they were pushing it hard and then the diamond launched shortly after ( i think??, fcc approval was july 10, 200

, and they made not much of a buzz about it but stuck to pushing their instinct. so maybe this is what will happen with the tp2. They will release it soon, but not promote it heavily...