Originally Posted by psycho_maniac
so would this give us a clue how to remove tabs from tf3d?
Yes, remove this portion of the text from the 26948339_manila file and tab will be removed:
ex.. " <Page Order="8" Name="settings.page" PackageName="HTC" Title="[[IDS_SETTINGSTITLE]]">
<ComponentReference Name="page" Mode9Path="HTC\settings.mode9" Component="SettingsPageComponent" SmartComponent="true" />
<ComponentReference Name="icon_normal" Mode9Path="HTC\icons.mode9" Component="Settings_Off" />
<ComponentReference Name="icon_selected" Mode9Path="HTC\icons.mode9" Component="Settings_On" />
<ComponentReference Name="icon_preview" Mode9Path="HTC\icons.mode9" Component="Settings_Preview" />"
Just remember that only the "physical/visual" tab will be removed. All files and images related to the file will still be on the phone. Do not forget to re-number the "Page Order" appropriately when you are done removing Tabs you want. I'm pretty sure there is a minimum number of Tabs that must be shown but I can't tell you what the number is exactly. I'm usually on the end of adding tabs myself.