Originally Posted by power3dfx
excellent psyki.. i had the previous v3 rom and it was pretty good although there were a few irritating bugs (mostly tp2 beta fault).. this version is pretty damn good and im happy i upgraded!
the speed increase with the wallpaper mod is amazing and the phone finally feels snappy almost everywhere.
2 questions:
1. how do we get the stock font back? last time there was a folder for fonts and now it disappear. i believe tahoma was the one, if someone can post it that would be great.
2. quickgps options causes error in last v3 and the new v3, not sure if it is auto updating or not
again very nice rom i applied the black dialer skin, installed sprint arcsoft 5, s2u2, no2chem fastcharge, updated wallpapers as u posted (this really helped!) and restored backup with sprite.. phone feels great and am happy. hopefully the greatness doesnt diminsh over the next week like so many roms do with usage 
Rest assured, as I in my 200% ADHD performing self will release ways to change the fonts/layouts however you want them to be, just have patience my friend. You will be able to configure the device the way you want it to be. When will it be done, you ask? When it's done, done, nuff said.