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Old 06-08-2009, 07:15 AM
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Re: Touch Pro CDMA Hard-SPL brought to you by CDMA Raphael Elite Team

Originally Posted by Beherrschen View Post
Razor pointed out that I needed to provide more info. Thanks Razor.

I am trying to unlcok a Sprint TP, using Win XP (I have a Vista computer if that would help). First I tried to unlock via the SD card. I put the .nbh (not for Verizon) file on the root of the card and the exe on the main memory (not SD card) and ran the exe file. Followed instructions until it got to the tri color screen at which point it froze.

Next I tried the hardSPL non SD card method. I tried each of the methods listed in that thread (putting the phone in boot loader manually first, active sync connection first, etc) but each time it would freeze either at the tri color screen or 0% and then eventually tell me how to recover (unplug USB, remove battery for 3 sec, etc).

If more details are needed let me know. The phone is new from the store and just a few days old. I unlocked my first TP and my diamond with no problem.

Thank you in advance for any advice.
Make sure you are following the preparations and instructions closely in the first post of this thread. You should only be using one file for this method and that's the
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