Re: JD's Simple Carrier Clean WM6.5 Sprint ROM
Originally Posted by Blitzed26
I am curious on this as well, specifically if Arcsoft will work with pic mail installed.
Thanks for a great ROM!
Originally Posted by tom6433
i like that the sprint carrier splash is back.
when setting up an email account it says "ss32" where teh left soft key usually is. you cannto select it as it is greyed out, but not sure why it is there.
what made you switch back to having pic mail be in teh email category? got tired of arcsoft? if i installed arcsoft would that mess anything up?
I just wanted to make the ROM as close to a cleaned more updated stock as possible I really don't use to much pic mail so I figured that anybody would switch to what they want to use
My name will appears multiple times spelled different in this sentence , I have two other siblings with the same name as me, don't think to hard to guess what my name is too , who am I