In this attachtment the cube :
-rotating realtime (when you pull your finger)
-invoke the cube: drag the finger bottom to up (on the mainscreen, is you not keeping that)
-remove the cube: drag your finger up to bottom.
-This version comprise the 12 contacts , real and refresh datas look the signal and battery icons (colored yet, this relevant me beetwen test).
-this version not comprise the sms imput panel, but I removed the "sample message" text.
-lack now vibrate icon.
-removed the Demo texts.
Next release: Button on the mainscreen for you fauvorite ScreenLock program.
The SMS write panel finished, but I testing yet, I liking preference the t9 looked panel here big buttons. (abc2...def3...)
I was asking it Brandon, the CONFIG writes he it this vers.
FGA! If you know the Flash then must you can, the flash runningtime very limited thing can to read. The flash not rummage in the OS. Must you running any program this, that be can to show more datas for the OS.
Last edited by ByKa; 10-03-2007 at 03:45 PM.