Originally Posted by Trident
It's just done it on the last two flashes of my ROM. Oh, and it doesn't matter whether my contacts are there or not.
That was the first thing I looked for, since I noticed that when the weather and/or email wasn't setup, those icons would look like that.
The only way I can get rid of it is by changing the layout in the settings- but then there is no image at all. That's better, as far as I'm concerned, but previously it was there. I don't think I changed anything that should have affected that.
I think I found it.
There are a few different OEMs floating around for ATContacts. I was using one that didn't have that image in it for some reason. I brought over one from Calk's newest kitchen and it ran find and now the image is back.
Gave me a chance to redo the ROM and add a few other small things.
You are likely including some reg edit (cab or oem rgu) which is causing it to point to an image within a dll that doesn't exist. The dlls for Titanium 7 project are modified, so if your reg settings are pointing to an image in the unmodified dll, which aren't in the modified one you get the red x. Red X just basically means that you are linking to an image that dosn't exist.