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Old 06-06-2009, 11:40 AM
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Re: Touch Pro 2 VS Mogul 6800?

Originally Posted by temperbad View Post
Mogul over the tp2? are you kidding, the tp2 is a mogul on steriods.... The tp1 itself is wayyyyy better. I personaly am keeping my tp1 and passing the downgraded tp2, oooh wow bigger screen (too big to me) tilting keyboard, wow, but no flash (i use it alot) no dpad (alot of my games use it or strickly when my fingers are sweaty and wont scroll on the screen right i use it) and a older CPU. Lmaoooo everything else is identicle, no way not me, but id get a tp2 or tp1 over the mogul. :u
I agree the screen may be a little big, but then I watched some HQ streams on it and I'm pretty impressed. It's difficult for me to reach all corners with my thumb when holding the device regularly which kinda sucks (especially since there is no "OK" button on the thing), but if you ever watch any video on the thing you will appreciate that extra real estate.
Even though the device is larger, it sits in my pocket better and is less noticeable when walking around. A little less thick and a little more spread out makes it feel like less of a brick which was always the feeling I had with the TP.
The tilting screen really isn't that big a deal for me either, but I do like the fact that there is none of the wiggle that the TP has when the screen is closed. The device feels very solid. Also, the volume buttons are on the keyboard side rather than the screen side when open which actually makes them usable in my opinion versus the TP where it sucks to change the volume with the keyboard out.
I can see the problem with the flash if you use it a lot. I don't, so I don't mind. I don't like that there is no covering over the camera (just a hole in the case). Sure it makes for better pictures, but there's no protection over the lens. I'm sure the US carriers will fix this issue though.
I always found the dpad on the TP to be nearly unusable. I usually ended up hitting the corner buttons when I wanted to go left or right. The up down did work well for me though, so I agree with that. For me the real downside of its absence is the lack of the OK button in the middle. Life's just a little more frustrating without it. Never had the problem with sweaty hands making the scroolbar not work. I would have thought that a resistive screen would not be affected by that, but I guess I'm wrong.
And the older CPU... Strange how the TP seems to be more responsive than my TP with that CPU. If you can point out any negatives to having it, I'll test it out, but I haven't noticed any.
Haven't really used the zoom bar for anything, so I don't know how useful that will be.
Though they may have eerily similar specs other than the outward appearance, the larger screen seems to make things work better (more contact area to feel more responsive). The speakerphone sounds much better in my opinion. The keyboard is a lot easier to use if you have fat fingers. Don't LYAO too much. If you haven't seen one in person yet, I'd hold your judgement. I, personally, am very impressed so far.
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