Porting a OS Build
Porting SYS
Alright this first lesson is how to port a SYS folder from another device
The tools you will need for this is G'reloc your kitchen OEM folder and SYS folder and SYS folder from other rom.
Ok Step 1
Decompile your donor rom in your kitchen so that you have a SYS folder OEM folder and Rom Folder. Once you have this done place the G'reloc tool in the kitchen folder, run G'reloc , what this tool does is relocates the modules in the SYS folder using the info from the .vm imageinfo.bin, there are three important slots that you will need to get the info from they are slot 0: slot 1: and size of rom . What you will need to do now is write down those numbers exactly how they look for each slot.
Step 2
Move your Donor SYS folder out of your kitchen to a safe place (ex C:\desktop\Kitchen move donor to C:\SYS) then you want to get your new SYS folder from other rom (ex Kaiser SYS) and place it in your kitchen . Run G'reloc again and this time fill in the slots metioned above with the values of the last G'reloc run (ex slot 0: from 1st run value 01F30000 replace with new value slot 0 : 01FDE0000) then on G'reloc press the "doit!" button let it run until its done . Now on to building, add your oems in your donor OEM folder then build............(in some cases device may not boot because the new SYS will need the WINCE_NLS folder from donor SYS)
"Device will not go past HTC screen "
You must make sure the the WINCE_NLS folder is in you new SYS folder ........
My name will appears multiple times spelled different in this sentence , I have two other siblings with the same name as me, don't think to hard to guess what my name is too , who am I
Last edited by jakdillard; 06-05-2009 at 11:06 PM.