Originally Posted by jucytec
There's nothing wrong with Mixing OEM's and SYS from different kitchens. You just need to pay attention to duplicate files AND repeated DSM/RGU entries in the OPTIONS.XML files in the SYS and the OEM folders. Duplicate entries or multiple entries of the same DSM/RGU will cause Build OS to crash.
Agreed, oems isn't a big deal. However, he wants to do way more then that. He is dropping Juicy's sys into calk's kitchen and expecting it to work. My point is still relevent. He needs to be careful because Juicy pulls more out of the sys then calk does. Also Juicy spits his kitchen up. It's a mix of diamond and tp. So if you just grab the sys and toss it into calks kitchen theres a good chance it won't work. I think it will take some work to do. And I know you cannot just through the files into the ppckitchen they are set up VERY differently. JD said eariler today I think that they have a developers version that will allow something like that but I have never done it.
EDIT: I can confirm you cannot drop the sys from juicy into the calk kitchen and hit play. To many conflicts and it will take a lot of work to clean up and make it work.