Re: 6-4-09 ~~Bear-Bonz Rom~~ version 3.1 - [Rhodium/Titanium - 6.5 - 21728]
OK, so after the last couple reports about glitchyness possible due to nueDynamicClock I started thinking about it and realized I had not run a rom without nueDynamicClock since it had been released.
So... I am currently running a build just like 3.1 but without nueDynamicClock... if there is not too much of an impact on battery life I am going to drop it in 3.2.
Also I will be working with the 21738 sys today.
I played with the tachi dialer... it will not be included in Bear-Bonz at this time. I look forward to seeing what new manila build it will allow, but it would not be an improvement to the rom overall at this time.
I will keep you all updated as I am able.