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Old 06-05-2009, 01:46 PM
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Re: Updated Version-POCKETSIELD V2.7.1

Originally Posted by mullaneyiv View Post
it does, it can be set to unlock using gestures (shaking phone), either shake front left to right or flip face up n down. it also uses the light sensor to lock and unlock phone, so when you take it out of your pocket it unlocks and then locks when you put it back into your pocket.. answering calls can be by gesture or s2a. I dont use thar feature though cuz i like the black s2a i have. PS has a feature that protects calls from being answered by accident if your phones in your pocket. If you use that featurethen when you get a call, you would have to eiher shake your phone to answer or slide finger from top to bottom. It is def one of my fav locking programs, along with s2u2. Its easily skinable too. those are just a couple things i can think of...
Oh? I like that shaking thing, I'll give it a go.
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