Originally Posted by appzattak
another lil quirk that I'm not sure if it is normal or a bug. While in a texting session, say with my girlfriend.....say we text about 10 different messages, well when I exit out of the chat session, under the text tab it shows the number 10, as it is 10 unread texts, well I have already read them since it was ongoing. the only way to clear that 10 to nothing is I have to open the chat session and close it and open and close..on and on for 10 times till that number is gone.....is it just me or is something wrong. I know my mogul never did that and I dont recall the stock rom doing it.....
i think this is a common bug for everyone using this rom. try texting power 106 a keyword 200 times and then having 199 unread txt messages later. since im using threaded texts i just have to delete the whole thread. but when chatting via txt, even though u do "see" ur replies the rom doesnt think u read everything. my fastest way to clear all the unread txts is to go into the txt thread and press the up arrow multiple times so it selects each txt and will then mark them as read automatically
question to psyki. ... whats the best way to change the time my data connection turns off from 30sec or 1 min (whatever it is) to 2min? i prefer to have my backlight dim at 1 min of idle and then screen off at 2 min of no activity. better yet would it be possible to change the auto-data off to a set period of time after idle? as i type this right now on my phone im pretty sure my data shut off and will have to reconnect just to post. i think it might be a bit faster if it stayed connected while i was working on things rather than connecting and disconnecting multiple times per session