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Old 06-04-2009, 11:13 PM
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Re: Verizon Stock Rom. WOW!

While it is true that many custom Roms out here are more geared towards the Sprint Pro, and will result in subpar performance on a Verizon Pro, there are notable exceptions.

I have been running a rom cooked in one of scrosler's older SSK kitchens for a very long time, and have no complaints. I have tested against the stock rom and it does not compare. I have compared to several other rome from this forum, bit again, there is just no comparison.

The particular build I'm using is 6.1, build 20954, with the xip tweaked by FormerPalmOS, built with scrosler's SSK 1.5 kitchen. With no TF3d or HTC dialer, I boot with almost 80mb free, yet this is NOT a stripped rom like the one offered by |||bored|||. I do run most of the other stuff you find on typical roms such as ez input. With tf3d and HTC dialer I boot with about 60mb free.

The rom is very fast and stable. The screen rotates instantly on sliding the keyboard out. Opening the \windows folder takes less than two seconds, with show all files checked. MUCH Faster than the stock rom. I have had the phone going strong now for about 2 weeks without having to do a soft reset. It's that stable.

Anyone with a Verizon Pro who doesn't try an SSK rom is really cheating themselves.
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