this guy named kiyoki posted this on howardforums. anyone knowledgeable think this will work?
If you have waited and waited and dont want to wait any longer, here's your solution to get your 6800 from sprint on your verizon plan.
Use the GETSPC program from to get your MSL so you can program your phone.
download the newest verizon prl and go into **778* to upload the prl into your phone and while in there change your Home SID/NID to 22 / 65535 so that you can pick up verizon's towers instead of sprints. Then go a find QPST 2.7 build 263 (do a google search and you will definitely find it) and install to use Service Programming to change your SPC (MSL) to 000000 -- that is six zero!
Once you have the prl loaded and changed the SID/NID then call in verizon or activate it on the web and then dial *228 to program the phone so you can use the service on it. Then there you have your voice and "should" be able to use 1x data as well if not, then go into **778* and change your Security and M.IP Default Profile settings to the correct usernames ( i believe verizon uses )
Next step to get evdo data working, go google about 6700 ESN changing and read up on how to change ESN. Then use QPST to change the 6700 ESN to the 6800. Once you have changed it, soft reset and dial *228 on the 6700 to go through the activation process. Once that is done, go into **778 and go to the Security tab and use the phone CTL + C to copy the passwords onto a word file. Do the same for the M.IP Default Profile, HA Shared Secret and AAA Shared Secret. Once you have all that copied onto a word document, bluetooth it over to the 6800 and paste it into the **778* respective settings. Also, change the other settings on the 6800 to the same as 6700, for example the Primary and secondary HA settings, MN HA & AAA SPI values. To be safe is to make the settings exact as the 6700 and you will be able to have data on your 6800 from sprint on your verizon plan.
Currently I am using a Sprint Mogul on my (shutting down tomorrow) AMP'D service, AMP'D settings are pretty much the same as verizon only difference is that we use instead.