Originally Posted by vin255764
Heh,I cannot test this ROM today,but I will.
Im sorry for posting here,Im using my ROM,but still 1 more question.
When you start pandora it asks for user name?
For me it never asks for username it finds my stations,I added them once few months ago -when used wm6.1
I tested NFSFAN v8-same thing.Installed to storage card.
I cooked sprint ROM to check if it has something to do with generic-no go
Can it be netcf related or sprint related?
I had this issue with all wm6.5 builds and not only me.
Well it asks the first time you start it.
Wether you've had it before and have a backup of your data file for pandora, or since it's on the storage card is it possible there's a data file in there with your password saved? It doesn't work without putting in your Username and pass atleast once.