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Old 06-04-2009, 08:13 PM
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Question Re: [ROM] <!-- Psyki 3 - Build 090528 --!> Custom Rhodium Manila [21046 WM6.1]

Originally Posted by appzattak View Post
Anyone have a prob starting up Sprint Navigator? When I start it I get the first flash screen then the dialog that say starting up it stays at 0% for about 50 seconds, then starts the increasing of %, it then takes another 40 seconds or so before I get the screen telling me not to use it while driving. I don't recall it ever doing that in the version 3 rom and I know for sure it did not do it in the stock rom. Also I notice it seems to take a while to initiate an internet connection. For instance I check my mail manually and when I hit send / receives it takes about 40 seconds before it connects to my mail server....any ideas?

This ROM came with a radio I assume? Is there any out there thqat might be better?
So I've been messing with this some more and have concluded there is something wrong with the Internet??? Any, and I underscore ANY application that uses the Internet is delayed. For instance, when I check my mail, it takes 30 -60 seconds while it says "connecting". If I pull up Facebook app it tells me there is no Internet, then I open it again then it works. When I launch a search in Opera, it delays 30 seconds or so before I see a page. GPS, is dog slow starting up. Sprint T takes a while to start while it gets online. When I launch Google maps (using gps) on the top right hand corner it say "connecting" for 45 seconds then it loads and shows my friends. When I go to the Weather tab, updating stakes around 40 seconds.

What I can tell is that each of those apps need the Internet and it's like it is off or something, and takes a while to start up. I've never had any issues like this before, although I only have had the latest 3.5 since it was released and version 3 for a week before that......anyone else see this??????
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