Originally Posted by jit
I just installed Juicy7 and I must admit that it is pretty awesome. I had some questions about the ROM and I apologize if these questions have already been answered earlier.
1. Is there anyway to change the green highlight that occurs when on the menus in TF3D2?
2. When you look under Contacts, is it possible to get back the vertical set of letters on the right side of the screen which let you jump through your contacts from A-Z?
3. Sometimes the Keyboard wont open when I press the icon on the screen. Is there a fix for this? Also, the haptic feedback isn't working for me either...
4. Do earlier versions of the HTC Weather program work without crashing the TF3D2?
I realize that these are a lot of questions but I would appreciate it if you could answer them.
1. yes but it takes alot of time to do it manually. search for a cab that could do it for you. I don't support this.
2. "random access" is the app name. i dont have it cooked in
3. it is a hacked package from a wvga device.... it will not work 100%. the version with a working vibe, makes the keyboard images look weird... i prefer a nice lookign keyboard to the vibe function
4. no. this has the newest weather database... incompatible with old ones