Originally Posted by richtere
Hi, sorry to botter
Im new and i hope you can share you wisdom with me, i live in mexico city , the price here for a treo 700wx its a little high, about 1000 usd with my carrier, what i did, gone to ebay and got 1 used treo 700wx from sprint for 300 usd a great deal from my point of view, what i found later is that i cant switch carriers without the spc code, i have tried almost everything and cant get that six dig number any ideas ? pls.
Any help will be appreciated.
Do not give out your ESN publicly. I have enclosed a program I found here (I forgot the credit) but you can just unzip and copy the folder to your 700WX and run the program there. It will ask for your ESN which is on the label beneath the battery and give your the spc code for your phone. Good luck!