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Old 06-03-2009, 04:44 PM
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Re: [ROM] [JUNE.01.09] MightyROM4 [Windows Mobile 6.1 CE OS 21051 Build 21051.1.6.4]

Originally Posted by heydjbobby74 View Post
Yes I am experiencing that as well. I actually am getting alot of lagging on TF3d when I scroll to say the weather icon. I haven't noticed the difference in speed between this and Mighty ROm 5, so I am definitely going back to Mighty ROM5 right now. I'll hope for the best there!
Thanks for the response. Im sorry youre experiencing this issue, and I definitely feel your pain! I can't say that I agree with you about the speed of the latest MR4 releae vs that of MR5. Everything about WM6.1, including TF3D, is so much faster and more fluid, and most importantly, stable! I havent had anything 'crash' on met yet with Mike's WM6.1 releases, but 6.5 has given me plenty of reasons why i always come back home.

But damnnnn, the txt message lag on this release is a PITA! Like I said, i never experienced it with 4.16...or at least not this consistently! Is the newer sys build and updated apps worth all this frustration when Ive had such a pleasant experience with 4.16 and the May 11th release of Reborn? Im starting to wonder...
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