i wanna post files with no text, i need to know what the unicode for a blank character is! does anyone know?
and hopefully a shortcut on a mac also!

¡™Â£Â¢∞§¶•ÂªÂªÂº–≠«‘“πøˆ ¨Â¥†Â®Â´∑œÃ¥ÃŸ∂ƒÂ©˙∆˚¬…æ÷≥≤ µ˜∫√ç≈Ω⁄`€‹›fifl‡Â°Â·‚—±»’”∏Ø
Â¨Ãˇ‰Â´„ŒÃ…ÃÃŽÃ˝Ã“Ã”Ã’ ÚÃ*¿˘Â¯Ã‚˜ı◊Dz¸`
I can find every character but that one... i know there is one cause i used to use it to have blank folder names...