Originally Posted by Noir
but that's just it they sort of didn't ask for donations just for the rom it was for unlocker and rom and for unlocker they delivered and fast
even in the first thread-first post
and I'm going to quote the very first post
Now secondly you feel they stole your money why? They even said they needed a device to test it on. Now I can't say if they have a device or not, but what I can say the project wasn't just for OMG just teh romz!!!
Third, for the assumption that money was stolen, look all over xda they were one of the first roms to be made for gsm variants of the touch diamond/pro/hd series of roms.
Plus let's consider this
nochem is also on the team. Is it possible that to get the rom made faster he enlisted in help with the elite project?
This friggin topic has been burned to the ground ad nauseum and every single time the topic has been locked. Give it a rest people. PM the guys if you want to know about the project. but don't say hi they stole my moneys when in fact first post indicated it wasn't just for a rom. If you donated just for a rom that is your loss because they explicitly stated the intention of the friggin post
Actually the thread that we're talking about wasn't the Unlocker thread it was the ROM thread promising DETAILS about the ROM... two completely different areas.
Also, no2chem hasn't said a single word about this rom, not on here, his blog or in the PM I sent (which I won't post)