Originally Posted by vista64htc
i dont appreciate replys that do not include a magic button fix. jk.
but seriously though, i am pretty sure i could do it, just wondering which file to modify. is there a file thats black and i could just change hue to another coor and overrght back to windows folder?
and please dont hit me with the "search box is there for a reason", lol. 
Extract the .tsk to your desktop, and open it with wince cabmanager. Then look at the reg entries, and find out which menu bar files the .tsk is pointing to. Once you have that figured out, extract those files and modify with gimp or photoshop and rewrite. Lastly modify the color rgu setting in the .tsk to the hex color code you want. Then return the .tsk to windows, reselect the theme in today settings.
Easy (not).