before sprint picture leaked, I was worried that sprint would put strong color, like red/pink, and make the back square and thick. after seeing the leaked pictures, it is not as bad. back color is not as strong and the back got curve and round shape, like that of iphone.
even though sprint version is not as nice as the original pro2. it is much better than that of ATT. not only ATT made it red (look my phone got color, like a toy

) and they even change the layout. original pro2 keyboard got highest rating from many reivews. ATT keyboard has no space between keys and it change number key layout. and then put damn red on it
U.S. carriers want a bigger role in consumers spending by making their own phones (changing phone color to make it different). when U.S. carriers are going to accept the fact that they are nothing but a dump pipe? and stopping screwing up phone design that they are no good at. Look at those carriers in EU.