Originally Posted by Im_Gumby
Yours was the first ROM I thought of when I decided to flash from OEM.
You didn't disappoint... works like a charm.
So what benefits would there be to upgrading to 6.5?
There is no real benefit...The main thing is look and feel. I do think it does use more memory than 6.1, but not sure....never measured it.
Probably the biggest change in 6.5 is that it's more "finger-friendly" and some of the "Titanium" tools will be nice, once they work the bugs out of them. However, it is a visual change that you have to get used to....Kinda like going from XP to Vista....same stuff....different visuals
Like Tony said....try it....you can always flash back, and it's "free" to try....doesn't cost anything.
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