Originally Posted by BrianPAdams
I have Juicy's 090530 and cooked it in and it didn't change the [non]functionality of dialing phone numbers directly. It's not actually an issue with the hard key, the on-screen Talk button doesn't initiate the call either. It's just that it won't dial a number not in your contacts. But this prolly isn't the thread for it. Just replying for anyone interested in cooking it into Juicy's kitchen. It works great except for the inability to dial phone numbers directly (i.e. phone numbers not saved as a number for a contact).
its a button id issue. htc tachi (twin) has two send buttons (one cdma and one gsm) which send diff "codes" to the dialer.... we have a diff code being sent.... this is different than the slot code which has been fix. someone needs to fix this before i implement in rom/kitchen format.