Originally Posted by xTSFx
Will my Diamond and this ROM work on Verizon? I have heard different stories about this whole ordeal and am really dreading getting a new Verizon phone because i have no cash... I may end up with some free per contract phone! >.<
if you are referring to the verizon takeover of alltel, you wont even need to get a new phone. im pretty sure that everyone's current alltel phones will work fine on verizon once there is officially no more alltel.
if youre referring to using my ROM on a verizon branded diamond, i would suggest trying out the verizon carrier cab by dcd.
Originally Posted by ajaxingtonI
hey just wondering what great things can i expect from you in the future!? ie; are you making a 6.5? or when is 6.1 update? i love your roms man!
i have been away from any computer basically since thursday, as ive just moved. but actually im going to be working tonight to hopefully get out a new 6.1, probably update to the new 6.1 sys/xip out (21051).
as for 6.5, im working with it... if you guys really want, i can release a beta that will be extremely basic (except for a nice WM dialer skin), but as functional as 6.5 currently allows.