Believe this to be the answer to the problems of usb connection failure
Have Your Phone Connected To your PC
1st. Disable activesync So that when you connect your phone it won't run.
2nd. Next open Device manager of your Pc.
"Start Menu/Control panel/Administrative tools/Icon of Computer Management/ Then you will see a new window, on the left pane of the window select Device manager/ On the right Expand Network Adapters/ go to View in the Menu Bar and Turn on " show all Hidden" /Now in the right Pane you should see more types of Network Adapters one line should be
"Windows Mobile Device #?? " Whichs shows up when your phone is connected./ now with your phone connected still Right click on Windows Mobile device Under network adapters and select uninstall./ Then hit the power button on your phone turning it off then on again. Hopefully then the PC will Recognize your Pocket PC. this Worked for me And a few others so Far. This Is what Brightedge said on Line 4 Of his last Post more Detailed.
Last edited by Giovanni73; 10-01-2007 at 02:44 PM.